Wednesday, May 21, 2014


We don't reach fitness all at once -- it's step by step, day by day. Not sure I'll ever feel as if I've "arrived," with no challenges to face. This week I'm fighting the exercise (light weights) routine for strength training. I want to know just how necessary it is. And are there other ways to accomplish the same thing? They say we have better motivation and consistency if we find types of exercise we enjoy. Not sure I *enjoy* the elliptical, but I like it --and the end results -- enough to keep doing it. Walking is just something I do. I don't really think about the enjoyment factor. If I can talk to someone or read a book while walking, so much the better. Or I walk in a different place for a change of scenery. On the elliptical I can change the radio stations or even watch a video, if I can wrestle the DVD player from dear hubby for a few days in a row. But the weights are just there. A trainer said I could change up the routine. But it would still be weights, by myself. I haven't yet found a way to make it more enjoyable, although I'm going to investigate an option later today. If I discover anything of interest, I'll post an update tomorrow.

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