Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hitting a plateau is always a nice break when hiking, but it's not so encouraging on this journey to fitness. The next few days I'll have to focus more again on healthy eating. My body is too tired to increase the exercise again right now. It feels - and I would agree - that walking 6 miles a day is plenty!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Munch and Crunch

This house needs a cookie... but I'm not sure my waist does! I've been trying to think of crunchy snacks that taste good. I read a post on facebook the other day about cereal - good snack, but my brain hasn't completely bought into this idea yet. It still would like to see a chocolate chip cookie magically appear. We're out of chocolate chips, so that isn't going to happen. Perhaps that fact alone will lead to a successful day of healthy eating. :-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Moving Forward

I'm starting to see a difference with the extra walk in the evenings. What great motivation to also continue my efforts to eat healthy!

Last night, tacos. Taco salad for lunch today. Tonight we'll have whole wheat pasta (a first!) tossed with vegetables. I'll save the barley soup for when the rains return.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tips from Lady J

Crazy days with many interruptions increase the challenge of maintaining my exercise routine.
However, it's a good opportunity to allow my friend Lady J "guest" here - I'll include a few tips from her recent emails.

"What about something simple -- like smaller portions, and mostly fat-free food. And stretching exercises to begin with."
"Yes, eating less at meals is a good idea. I try to do that. But buying for one is difficult (right, Pale Ale?). I always have more food around here than I need. And I hate to see food go to waste. (or Waist, as the case is with me). But I'm trying to cut back, and keep my freezer full. That way I don't worry too much about it spoiling. And I've been making myself smoothies. Not always instead of a meal, but they ARE just fruit, yogurt and water whizzed up."

Good ideas. As the weather gets warmer, a smoothie might even sound good!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keeping on keeping on...

... as my mother likes to say. Today I'm just trying to stay afloat and maintain goals of walking (made it 6 miles again yesterday, won't quite make it today) and eating healthy portion sizes. From everything I hear and read, the next thing I attack may be sugar. I doubt I'll ever be one of those who cuts it out completely, but cutting back would be helpful.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Journey to Fitness

This path I'm on definitely feels like hiking... some ups and downs along the way. I walked 6 miles yesterday, that's a good thing. Then I made cookies for my niece and sampled, that's not such a good thing.
Why is walking so much easier than lifting weigts? I'm trying to tell myself the weight program won't get any easier if I keep taking days off.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Different Perspective

The pastor's talk today at church was about how God created us, including our physical bodies.
Genesis 1:31 God saw all that He had made (including humans) and it was very good. (NIV)
Psalm 139:14 I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful,
i know that full well.
These verses say it all - that it's all good. They affirm my purpose in pursuing health, through eating and exercise.
If God takes care of me as evidenced by His amazing creation of me, the least I can do is take care of my body.
On that thought, I'm off to the treadmill - with a good book.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Eating and Exercise

We have to find the balance between the two. This morning we practiced - a walk to Starbucks (two miles round trip) for Saturday morning hot chocolate. House work and yard work today. Possible dinner out this weekend. New motivation and incentive to eat healthy in the coming week.

When I last did the weight lifting exercises (Thursday) it was a little easier, finally! Takes a couple of weeks to get back in the routine. Now I have to try to maintain the routine through the weekend. Groan.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Elusive Exercise

So, last night the other half invited me on his walk. Imagine that! I begged off, citing cold temperatures and wind as an excuse. I had already taken my two walks for the day. Making excuses, though, is exactly what gets us in these predicaments (wanting clothes to fit better, get in shape, etc.) in the first place.

A week or so ago I contemplated how much my level of fitness would increase if I could just walk and work at the same time. I can read on the treadmill, why can't I walk and work (read nonfiction texts, take notes, write)? I researched a bit on the internet and read suggestions I've seen before - all targeted to the office worker. Good suggestions, just not applicable in my situation. For one, we don't have stairs I can use instead of taking the elevator. I don't have a parking lot where I can park in the last space and walk the distance. I walk down the hall from the living room to the office. It's 20 steps. I paced it once for a science lesson I was writing. However, I have discovered I can do quite a bit of jogging in place just waiting for the computer to boot up. And again while waiting for the operating system that requires coffee to load internet. And again while waiting for the email program to finish loading ads. Perhaps our "desk jobs" have created a bit of exercise opportunity after all.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Marvelous Muffins

Marvelous is my mother's word - used to describe most anything. However, our family does enjoy muffins. I'm working my way through (one muffin at a time!) a batch of orange cranberry muffins this week. Lady J pointed out in a Good Morning post (actually written last night past my bedtime) that some muffins are pretty big and should be cut in half. True, for many muffins purchased at the store. Homemade muffins are a different story altogether. For example, when I use a calorie book and figure the calories for the ingredients in my muffin recipe, then allow for some fruit, such as blueberries or cranberries, to be added, I come up with only 150 calories per muffin. They're not big muffins, especially if I make 12, as the recipe suggests. But I can have one for breakfast - or lunch - and enjoy it. Next I want to try making apple muffins! (Hubby keeps vetoing that idea - I can't imagine why!)

The Great Debate

Last night we started the conversation about diet versus exercise. The other half wants to focus on eating less. That's a good thing. However, he's not real interested in the exercise part of the equation. In my experience, the exercise component is critical to make any sort of progress towards fitness. He says he can't do it until he loses weight first. I believe the two go hand-in-hand. At least he's willing to talk about how we might fit *one* more walk in per day.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I've always enjoyed reading (and talking) about food, nutrition, and exercise. Recently Pale Ale, a member of my circle of friends, suggested I blog about it. Good idea, then I wouldn't bug these dear friends quite so much with my thoughts and preaching.

This circle of friends and I have all determined we want to lose weight. We have different goals and different approaches but the same struggles. Perhaps our explorations will also encourage you.

Teece and Lady J want to wear their summer clothes - no shopping for larger sizes. Funky Mama wants better health for her feet. Miss Fizz wants overall health, and so does Pale Ale, along with fitness.

Miss Fizz reported that her doctor said just cut what you eat in half. I've always thought that sounded like an easy way to eat what I like to eat and still make progress.

Funky Mama and I are short, just barely over 5 feet tall. That presents its own set of challenges.

Another friend recently moved into a living situation where meals are provided. She says she hasn't missed a meal and lost 6 pounds. I asked how on earth that happened and she siad she quit snacking between meals. So I can have my cookie at lunch instead of mid-afternoon? Worth a try!

My mother says it's all about calories in versus calories out. If that's true, why doesn't my practice of walking 4 miles a day at least 5 days a week make any difference?

Some foods definitely have more calories than others. So... some eating plans have a list of "eat-all-you-want" foods, including such low calorie foods as celery, lettuce, some fruits, and most other vegetables.

Today, I'm trying the "eat half" concept along with the "eat more veggies" idea. Until my hip gets better I don't think I can set the treadmill at any higher incline. But I can continue to maintain my current exercise routine. More on that tomorrow.