Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I've always enjoyed reading (and talking) about food, nutrition, and exercise. Recently Pale Ale, a member of my circle of friends, suggested I blog about it. Good idea, then I wouldn't bug these dear friends quite so much with my thoughts and preaching.

This circle of friends and I have all determined we want to lose weight. We have different goals and different approaches but the same struggles. Perhaps our explorations will also encourage you.

Teece and Lady J want to wear their summer clothes - no shopping for larger sizes. Funky Mama wants better health for her feet. Miss Fizz wants overall health, and so does Pale Ale, along with fitness.

Miss Fizz reported that her doctor said just cut what you eat in half. I've always thought that sounded like an easy way to eat what I like to eat and still make progress.

Funky Mama and I are short, just barely over 5 feet tall. That presents its own set of challenges.

Another friend recently moved into a living situation where meals are provided. She says she hasn't missed a meal and lost 6 pounds. I asked how on earth that happened and she siad she quit snacking between meals. So I can have my cookie at lunch instead of mid-afternoon? Worth a try!

My mother says it's all about calories in versus calories out. If that's true, why doesn't my practice of walking 4 miles a day at least 5 days a week make any difference?

Some foods definitely have more calories than others. So... some eating plans have a list of "eat-all-you-want" foods, including such low calorie foods as celery, lettuce, some fruits, and most other vegetables.

Today, I'm trying the "eat half" concept along with the "eat more veggies" idea. Until my hip gets better I don't think I can set the treadmill at any higher incline. But I can continue to maintain my current exercise routine. More on that tomorrow.

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